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Healthy Alliance with Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein and UEBMUNDO!

Posted on 23 February, 2024 by UEBMUNDO AES View profile

Exceptional Benefit! 20% discount on Medical Services at Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein for Patients from UEBMUNDO

Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein is offering UEBMUNDO a 20% discount for foreign patients and also for Brazilians living outside the country who meet the eligibility criteria. To be entitled to this discount, the patient must contact the International Patient Support Center (CAPI) before the service and check if they are on the eligible list.

This discount is only applicable for emergency, external and hospitalization services. However, it does not apply to materials, medicines, vaccines, medical consultations and/or medical fees. It also does not apply to the check-up protocol and medical fees and consultations.

CAPI operates from Monday to Friday from 7am to 6pm and can be accessed via the page here. Furthermore, the hospital website is available in Portuguese, English and Spanish. The address of the Morumbi unit is Avenida Albert Einstein, 627, Morumbi - São Paulo - SP, CEP: 05652-900 - Brazil.

If you need to contact the hospital, you can call the general number +55 11 2151-1233, CAPI +55 11 2151-1301, or the on-call number 55 11 9-7211-7981 from 10am to 10pm. It is also possible to send an email to

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